Lower Bowden Farm and Edulis Nursery Trip

There are a few seats remaining on our trip to Berkshire next Thursday 7th June which we are keen to fill!

In the morning we visit the garden at Lower Bowden Manor, near Pangbourne created in the early 20th century at the same time as the house.  It had been neglected and overgrown for many years, when the current owner, who exercised her landscaping skills near Paris prior to retiring to Berkshire in 2016, took on the task of reviving the garden.  It provides extensive views of the Thames valley and the Chilterns beyond.  Mature trees, along with more recently planted specimens, provide structure, form, bark colour and leaf shape, thus creating a garden for all seasons.  There are numerous features to keep us interested including a rill, tall yew hedges, a pond, orchard amd a Folly.  

In the afternoon we will go on to the nursery Edulis.  Although, as the name implies, there is a wide selection of very unusual edible plants, there is also an extensive collection of unusual perennials and rare shade-loving plants.  Many of these have been collected by the nursery owner, Paul Barney a plant hunting companion of Nick Macer of Pan Global plants.  The nursery is tucked away in a walled garden in the Thames Valley.

Specialist Plant Nursery | Growers of Rare Plants – Edulis

The coach will leave from Taunton (at about 8.30am) and will pick up at Clevedon.  Return to Taunton should be by 6.00pm.  Full details will be provided on booking. 

The cost is £40 per person.

To book please contact Penny Berry on 01278 662 720 or email p.berry487@btinternet.com
Please address any queries about the visit to Kate Harris 01984 624 615 nunnington@aol.com

Lower Bowden Manor (https://ngs.org.uk/gardens/lower-bowden-manor-rg8/)
Edulis nursery: https://www.edulis.co.uk