Volunteers Needed for Batcombe Plant Fair

Thank you to everyone who responded to my previous request for help at the Somerset Group Summer Plant Fair at Batcombe House on 15 June. We now have a full complement of helpers on our plant stall at the Fair.

However I am still looking for one or two volunteers to help the garden owner sell tickets at the entrance – particularly when the Fair and garden open at 12.00 and the following “shift” starting at 2.00pm. It would also be good if we could provide someone to help with car parking – again, this is particularly needed at the start of the event from 11.30am to 1.30pm.

If you could help with either of these roles it would be much appreciated. Our plant fairs are very important fund raisers for the group and mean that we can continue to offer you an excellent programme for a very low membership fee. However this does mean that we rely on members coming forward to help when needed.

As a reward, you will have free entry and time to enjoy the Fair and the magnificent gardens. Please get in touch with Jane Hunt if you wish to volunteer.

I am pleased to let you know that we have a wonderful group of stallholders coming along to the Summer Plant Fair:

  • Biocentric Plants
  • CB Plants
  • Derek’s Fuchsias
  • Elworthy Cottage Plants
  • Gardener’s Blacksmith
  • In Clover
  • Japonica Plants
  • Malcolm Allison Plants
  • Nature Spaces Plants (formerly Native Spaces Plants)
  • Pennard Plants
  • Plant Wild
  • Special Plants
  • Triffids

Plus our own stall of course – donations of plants on the day would be most welcome!”

Many thanks